The Fight Against Scientology on the Net
For decades L. Ron Hubbard’s instructions on how to crush any opposition
worked well. His loyal cult members destroyed lives and families in their attempts
to scare ex-members into silence and ruin critics. The campaign against the Cult
of Scientology is an attempt to bring its secrets and crimes to the surface, and justice
to its victims.
The Internet has changed everything for critics of Scientology. The time and cost
involved in conducting an investigation into cult activities has dramatically
decreased. On the internet it is possible to access more detailed information than
one can find in any single physical location. Books, court records, and other critical
information is readily available to be used to educate an unwary public and
potential victims.
L. Ron Hubbard never predicted the Internet, so the cult has no policy that can
handle it. Angry ex-members or fearless investigative journalists were no real
challenge for an unscrupulous cult with millions of dollars to spend. But the
impact of this new communication, of people exchanging documents and experiences,
is devastating. All the money in the world can’t stop thousands of critics
stirred into action by the information on the internet.
The cult seems to be caught off guard. People worldwide have done everything
from hosting a critical link on their homepage, to making the inner-most secrets
of Scientology available on their web sites. When Scientology sued one critic, ten
more appeared. On the internet, the Scientology “tech” to handle “suppressive
persons” (SPs) has proven only to harm the cult.
In 1998, the Church of Scientology began issuing its members a CD which contained
Netscape Navigator. This CD was given to church adherents under the
cover of providing them with internet access software. Those who installed
Netscape from this CD did not realize that a censorware program had been incorporated
into the installation process. This program gives no indication of its presence,
and offers no means of removal. If you are a member of the Church of
Scientology and have installed its software, you will not be able to access our web
site with your computer.
Who is Xenu? Would you like
to hear a wild story?
Are you sitting
Right, let’s begin:
Once upon a time (75 million years ago to be more precise) there was an alien
galactic ruler named Xenu. Xenu was in charge of all the planets in this part
of the galaxy, including our own planet Earth. In those days, Earth was
called Teegeeack.
Xenu had a problem. All of the 76 planets he controlled were over-populated. Each
planet had on average 178 billion people. He wanted to get rid of the excess population,
so he formulated a plan.
With the help of renegades, Xenu took complete control and defeated the good people
and the Loyal Officers. Then, with the help of psychiatrists, he called in billions of people
for “income tax inspections,” but they were instead given injections of a paralyzing
mixture of alcohol and glycol. Then they were put into space planes that looked
exactly like DC8s, except they had rocket motors instead of propellers.
These DC8 space planes flew to planet Earth where the paralyzed people, numbering in
the hundreds of billions, were stacked around the bases of volcanoes. When everyone
had been piled on Teegeeack, H-bombs were lowered into the volcanoes. Xenu then detonated
all the H-bombs and everyone was killed.
The story doesn’t end there though. Since everyone has a soul (called a “thetan” in this
story), Xenu had to trick the souls into not coming back. So while the hundreds of billions
of souls were being blown around by the nuclear winds, he had special traps that
caught the souls in electronic beams — the electronic beams were sticky, like fly-paper.
After he had captured all these souls, he had them packed into boxes and taken to huge
cinemas. There the souls had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures that
told them lies about what life should be like, and these films confused them and tricked
them into believing things that were not true. They were shown “false” pictures and
were told “false” things, including stories about Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other
religions. In this story, this process is called “implanting.”
When the films ended and the souls left the cinema, they began to stick together in
groups. They had all seen the same film and thought they were the same “person.” They
clustered in numbers of a few thousand. There were only a few living bodies left, so they
stayed in clusters and inhabited these bodies — our ancestors.
As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and locked him away in a mountain
on one of the planets. He is kept there by a force-field powered by an eternal battery.
Xenu is still alive today.
That is the end of the story. And so today everyone is full of these clusters of souls,
called “body thetans.” If each of us is to be a free soul, then we must remove all our body
thetans and pay enormous sums of money to do so. And the only reason people believe
in God, Christ, Muhammad or Satan is because it was in the film their body thetans
saw 75 million years ago. ✦
Well what did you think of that story?
What? You thought it was ridiculous? Sort of like Battlefield Earth?
We think so too. This space opera, however, is the core belief of the religion
known as Scientology.* If its members had known about this story when they first
joined, then they would never have gotten involved. It is revealed when you reach
one of their secret levels called “OT III.” After that, you are supposed to rid yourself
of these body thetans through telepathic communication. You must pay a lot
of money to get to this level, or you have to work very hard for the organization
for many years, and for extremely low pay.
This leaflet is a warning. If you choose to become involved with Scientology, then
we would like you to do so with your eyes open and fully aware of the sort “teaching”
you will receive. The story of Xenu is the punchline to a very long and
expensive joke.
Most of the Scientologists who work in the Dianetics* centers and so-called
“Churches” of Scientology do not know about Xenu since they are not given this
information until they reach Scientology’s upper levels. It may take them many
years to attain this, if they ever do. Those who do know are forced to keep it a
secret and do not tell it to neophytes.
Part of the first page of the secret OT III document in L. Ron Hubbard’s own handwriting.
Now you know their big secret — for which an individual pays hundreds of
thousands of dollars. Don’t let that deter you from joining though.
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